Monday, September 26, 2011

Glass Half Full

1) The object in my "Snapple Glass" was my glasses. I wear them everyday and I would be lost with out them. They might give me a headache sometimes but I would be lost with out them.

2) From my choice of the glasses I am saying that I am a nerd and I am proud of it.

3) If I had a do-over I would do one of my exotic necklaces instead of my glasses. I feel that the colors and amount of paint would be my favorite part about my painting.

4) My goal for this painting was to show a little quirkiness about myself with the choice of glasses and the Snapple glass, also I wanted to show that I love paint and I love to move it around and see how it can turn into icing.

5) I accomplished these goals by making sure I wasn't thinking to much about the actual action of painting but rather focusing on getting the paint down and creating shapes.

6) My painting is about Dramatic shadow with Back lighting but also a lot of texture.

7) The most difficult challenge I faced was doing the glasses and trying to get them to be the right size and not out of proportion.

8) I meet that challenge by doing a view finder with my pallet knife to map out the glasses and get the right dimensions.

9) My painting is really working with the glass and all the subtle marks that I scraped away to make the water.

10) For my next painting I will bring my love of paint again and I will also make lots of marks to complete my composition.

11) One Artist in particular I love is Wayne Thiebaud. He is amazing with paint. He literally makes my want to just lick the paint right of the page. I also love his use of colors and how he repeats things for effect. From him I learned that thick paint is my best friend.